Partnered with NV Pets, Organik-9 wants our four legged friends to live long, happy and healthy lives. To do so diet a key element for our dog’s well-being as well as ours.

Organik-9 understands that Nutrition plays a huge role in our everyday life — anything we consume can either help or harm our overall health is the same concept for our beloved pets. Organik-9 started with the basics and learned what foods were safe and unsafe.

OrganiK-9’s products consist of several essential factors that help make all the difference when it comes to improving what your pets consuming. When creating their products, they stuck to a raw diet that uses only human grade ingredients: non-GMO, raw, organic, enzymatically active whole foods, sprouted super foods, and antioxidants.

The time to throw out all the processed junk that’s polluting our dog’s health is now. If Organik-9 can get 1 dog owner to replace 1 snack a day with an Organik-9 Raw bar, they’ve done their job.

NV Pets and Marketing is proud to announce a new partner, Organik-9, for 2017.

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